Articles & Books

 David Colander has authored, co-authored, or edited 35 books and over 100 articles on a wide range of topics. These include Principles of Economics (McGraw-Hill), History of Economic Thought (with Harry Landreth) (Houghton Mifflin),  Why Aren’t Economists as Important as Garbagemen? (Sharpe), and MAP: A Market Anti-Inflation Plan (with Abba Lerner) (Harcourt Brace Jovanovich). His books have been translated into a number of different languages, including Bulgarian, Polish, Italian, Spanish, and Chinese.


Academic Articles

“Ignorance and Economics” Forum for Social Economics forthcoming

“A Serial Collaborator” in Michael Szensberg and Lall B. Ramrattan (editors) The Secrets of Economic Collaborations: The Wisdom of Collaboration in the Social Sciences. Palgrave Macmillan forthcoming.

“Complexity Economics and Workaday Economic Policy” in David Wilson and Alan Kirman (editors), Complexity and Evolution: Toward a New Synthesis for Economics, MIT Press, 2016.

“Creating Humble Economists: A Code of Ethics for Economists” in Oxford Handbook on Professional Economic Ethics, edited by George DeMartino and Deirdre McCloskey, Cambridge University Press, 2016.

“Making Sense of Economist’s Positive Normative Distinction” (with Huei-Chun Su) Journal of Economic Methodology, 2015.

“Why Economics Textbooks Should, but Don’t, and Won’t Change” European Journal of Economics and Economic Policies, 2015. (no link)

“Framing the Economic Policy Debate” History of Political Economy, (47) 2015.

“The Economics of Influence” Journal of Economic Issues, June 2014.

“Capitalism as a Complex Evolving System” Ekonomi-tek, Vol 3, #1. 2014.

“Piketty’s policy proposals: how to effectively redistribute income” Real-world economics review, issue no. 69. 2014.

“The Wrong Type of Pluralism: Toward a Transdisciplinary Social Science” Review of Political Economy 2014.

“Creative Economics for a Creative World: A Comment” Journal of Institutional Economics, July, 2014.

“Achieving a Brighter Future from the Bottom Up: Activist Laissez-Faire Social Policy” in A Brighter Future Improving the Standard of Living Now and for the Next Generation Edited by Richard P.F. Holt and Daphne T. Greenwood. Sharpe Publishers 2014

“Where Do PhD’s in English Get Jobs, and What Implications can we Draw from that Information? An Economist’s View of the English PhD Market” Pedagogy, 2014.

“Can European Economics Compete with U.S. Economics? And Should It?” in The Economics of Economists: Institutional Settings, Individual Incentives, and Future Prospects. (Alessandro Lanteri and Jack Vroman, editors) Cambridge University Press, 2014.

“Why are there no Milton Friedmans Today?” Econ Journal Watch, May. 2013.

“On the Ideological Migration of the Economics Laureates” Econ Journal Watch, Oct. 2013.

“Introduction to the New Edition of Gino Barbieri’s Decline and Economic Ideals in Italy in the Early Modern Age” in Sergio Noto and Mariea Cristina Gatti (editors) Decline and Economic Ideals in Italy in the Early Modern Age” in Sergio Noto and Mariea Cristina Gatti, Leo S Olschki Editore 2013.

“What Should Turkish Economists Do and How Should They Do It?” Ekonomi-Tek, 2013.

“A Failure to Communicate: The Fact/Value Divide and the Putnam/Dasgupta Debate” (with Hieu-chun Su) Erasmus Journal of Economics and Philosophy, 2013.

“The Occupy Wall Street Movement and the Principles of Economics” International Review of Economics Education, 2013.

“The Complexity Policy Narrative and the Future of Capitalism” Journal of Northeast Asia Development, 2013.

“The Systemic Failure of Economic Methodologists” Journal of Economic Methodology, March 2013.

“What Makes a Good Economist” in Teaching the Dismal Science after the Crisis, edited by Diane Coyle. 2012.

“The Evolution of US Textbooks” in The Economic Reader: Textbooks, Manuals and the Dissemination of the Economic Sciences during the 19th and Early 20th Centuries. (Massimo Augello and Marco Guidi, editors). Routledge, 2012.

“Solving Society’s Problems from the Bottom Up” Challenge Magazine, Jan, Feb, 2012.

“De la critique de la nouvelle synthese au programme de recherché post-walrasian” Economie Appliquee, March, 2011.

“Applied Policy, Welfare Economics, and Mill’s Half-truths” in The Elgar Companion to Recent

Economic Methodology edited by John Davis and Wade Hands. Edward Elgar, 2011. (actual article)

“Is European Economics Following the Wrong Path?” (with Ric Holt and Barkley Rosser) The European Financial Review, 2011.

“The Moniac, Modeling, and Macroeconomics” Economia Politica, 2011.

Comments on Completion Rates and Time to Degree:“The Inefficiency of Graduate Economic Training” American Economic Review: Papers and Proceedings. May, 2011.

“Is the Fundamental Science of Macroeconomics Sound?” Review of Radical Political Economy, 2011.

“How Economists Got It Wrong: A Nuanced Account” Critical Review, 2011.

“Marshall, Models, and Macroeconomics: Comments on Michel De Vroey’s The Marshallian Roots of Keynes’s General Theory” in Arie Arnon, (ed.) Perspectives on Keynesian Economics, Springer. 2011.

“Educating Latin American Economists” (with Hugo Nopo) International Review of Economic Education, 2011.

“The Complexity Era in Economics” Review of Political Economy, (with Ric Holt and Barkley Rosser) July, 2011.

“The Keynesian Method, Complexity, and the Training of Economists” in Arie Arnon, (ed.) Perspectives on Keynesian Economics, Springer (2011)

“Introduction to Symposium on the Financial Crisis and the Teaching of Macroeconomics” Journal of Economic Education, Oct-Dec, 2011.

“The Choice Architecture of Choice Architecture: Toward an Affirmative Nudge Policy” (with Andrew Qi Lin Chong) Journal of Economic Analysis, 2010.

“The Economics Profession, the Financial Crisis, and Method” Journal of Economic Methodology, 2010.

“The Welfare Costs of Market Restrictions” (with Sieuwerd Gaastra and Casey Rothschild) Southern Economic Journal, July, 2010.

“The Sins of the Sons of Samuelson: Vision, Pedagogy and the Zig Zag Windings of Complex Dynamics” (with Casey Rothschild) Journal of Economic Behavior and Organization, 2010.

“The Professional Development of Graduate Students for Teaching Activities: The Students’ Perspective” (with Gail Hoyt and KimMarie McGoldrick) Journal of Economic Education, 41:2, 2010. 194-201

“How to Win Friends and (Possibly) Influence Mainstream Economists” (with Ric Holt and Barkley Rosser) Journal of Post Keynesian Economics, Spring, 2010. 32:3. 397-409.

“Larry Moss: One of the Good Guys” in Lawrence Moss: Academic Iconoclast, Economist and Magician. (Widdy Ho and Frederic Lee, editors).Wiley Blackwell, 2010. 45-48.

“Moving Beyond the Rhetoric of Pluralism: Suggestions for an “Inside-the-Mainstream” Heterodoxy” in Economic Pluralism, (William Garnett, Erik Olsen and Martha Starr editors). Routledge. 2010. 36-47.

“The Domain of Austrian Economicsin Advances in Austrian Economics: What is so Austrian about Austrian Economics? Edited by Roger Koppl, Steven Horwitz and Pierre Desrochers. 2010.

“Mathematics, Methods, and Modern Economics” Real-world Economics Review, (with Alan Kirman, Hans Follmer, Brigitte Sloth, Katarina Juselius, Armin Haas, and Thomas Lux), Issue 50, Sept. 2009.

“How Do Students at Median Graduate Economic Programs Differ from Students at Top-ranked Programs?” (with Tiziana Dominguez, Gail Hoyt, and KimMarie McGoldrick) Eastern Economic Journal, Fall, 2009 Vol. 35:4. 423-432.

“The Financial Crisis and the Systemic Failure of Academic Economics” (with Alan Kirman, Hans Follmer, Michael Goldberg, Brigitte Sloth, Katarina Juselius, Armin Haas, and Thomas Lux), in The Dahlem Conference Report: Is there a Mathematics of Social Science? Carlos Jaeger and Rupert Klein editors,. (Reprinted in a variety of other journals and books including Critical Review, 2009.)

“The Economics Major and Liberal Education: An Abridged Version” Liberal Education, (vol. 95, No. 2) Spring 2009 22-29.

“The Economics Major as Part of a Liberal Education” (with KimMarie McGoldrick) American Economic Review, May, 2009.

“A Guide for JEE Content” Submissions (with Jessica Holmes, Casey Rothschild, and Mark Setterfield) Journal of Economic Education, 2009.

“How Did Macro Theory Get So Far Off Track, and What Can Heterodox Macroeconomists Do to Get it Back on Track?” in Macroeconomic Policies on Shaky Foundations – Whither Mainstream Economics?, edited by Eckhard Hein, Torsten Niechoj and Engelbert Stockhammer, Metropolis, Marburg. 2009. 55-73.

“The Changing Face of Economics” (with Barkley Rosser and Ric Holt) The Long Term View, 2009, 7:1 (reprint of earlier article in the Review of Political Economy

“What Was ‘It’ that Robbins was Defining?” Journal of the History of Economic Thought, 31:4, December, 2009. 437-448.

“In Praise of Modern Economics”, Eastern Economics Journal, 35:1 Winter, 2009.

“Post Walrasian Macroeconomics” (in Spanish) Metodologia de la Ciencia en Economimca, Juan Urrieta, editor. 2009.

“The Complexity Vision as a Bridge between Graduate School and Undergraduate Macro” (with Casey Rothschild) in Mark Setterfield, (editor) Macroeconomic Theory and Macro Pedagogy, Palgrave Macmillan, 2009. 118-128.

“Complexity and the History of Economic Thought” Handbook on Complexity Economics, (Barkley Rosser and Kirby Cramer, editors) Edward Elgar, 2009. 409-426.

“Economists, Incentives, Judgment, and the European CVAR Approach to Macroeconometrics” Economic Ejournal, Vol. 3, 2009-9.

“Foreword to Christian Ansparger’s Critical Political Economy, Routledge, 2008.

“The Myth of the Myth of the Rational Voter” Critical Review. Vol 20:3 Nov. 2008.

“Klein’s Economics Confronts the Economy: Confronting Economists who are Confronting Economics” in Research in the History of Economic Thought and Methodology, Volume 26 Emerald Group Publishing Limited. 2008.

“Beyond DSGE Models: Toward an Empirically Based Macroeconomics” (with Peter Howitt, Alan Kirman, Axel Leijonhufvud and Perry Mehrling) American Economic Review, May, 2008, 98:2.

“The Making of a Global European Economist” Kyklos, Vol. 61, #2, 2008

“Live and Dead Issues in the Methodology of Economics” Journal of Post Keynesian Economics, (with Ric Holt and Barkley Rosser) Vol 30: 2 Winter 2007-2008.

“Gender and Graduate Education in the US” (with Jessica Holmes) Journal of Feminist Economics, April, 2007.

“El Arte De Ensenar Economics” Revista Asturiana de Economia. 2007. 23-38.

“Edgeworth’s Hedonometer and the Quest to Measure Utility” Journal of Economic Perspectives, Spring, 2007

“What We Taught and what we did: The Evolution of US Economic Textbooks (1830-1930)” Il Pensiero Economico Italiano XIV 2006.

“The Hiring of an Economist: A Case Study” (with Jessica Holmes) The American Economist, Fall, 2006.

“Integrating Sound Finance with Functional Finance” (with Peter ans Matthews) in The Means to Prosperity: Fiscal Policy Reconsidered edited by Per Gunnar Berglund and Matias Vernengo, Routledge. 2006.(no link)

“Information and Pollution Permit Markets,” Journal of Economic Education. 2006.

“Pluralism, Formalism and American Economics” (with Harry Landreth) in Festshrift in Honor of Leland Yeager, Routledge, (Roger Koppl, ed.) 2006. (reprinted in A Handbook of Economic Pluralism, Edward Elgar)

“From Muddling Through to the Economics of Control,” History of Political Economy. 2005.

“Globalization and Economics” in Partha Gangopadhyay (editor), Globalization and Economic Reforms, Ashgate Publishers, 2005.

“Wild and Crazy Ideas: A Memorial to Ken Koford” Eastern Economic Journal. Spring, 2005.

“Integrating Ethics and Altruism with Economics” Journal of Economic Psychology. 2005.

“The Many Roads to Serfdom” European Journal of Political Economy. 2005.

“The Future of Economics: The Appropriately Educated in Pursuit of the Knowable” Cambridge Journal of Economics 2005.

“What Economists Teach and What Economists Do,” Journal of Economic Education. Summer, 2005 (36/3).

“Complexity, Muddling Through, and Sustainable Forest Management” in Economics, Natural Resources, and Sustainability: Economics of Sustainable Forest Management Sashi Kent and R. A Berry, (eds.). Springer Publishers. 2005.

“The Long-Run Consequences of Trade and Outsourcing” Challenge Magazine, 2005.

“The Making of an Economist Redux”Journal of Economic Perspectives. Winter 2005. (translated shortened version in French in L’Economie Politique) 2006.

“The Changing Face of Economics” (with Ric Holt and Barkley Rosser) Review of Political Economy. Vol 16 #4, 485-499. October, 2004.

“Muddling Through and Policy Analysis” New Zealand Economic Papers, 2004.

“The Art of Teaching Economics” International Review of Economics Education, Vol 3, Issue 1 2004, 63-76 (translated into Spanish and republished in Resista Asturiana de Economia, Vol. 38, 2007.

“The Strange Persistence of IS/LM” History of Political Economy, 2004.

“Preface to Full Employment and Price Stability: the Macroeconomic Vision of William Vickrey” edited by Mat Forstater and Pavlina Tcherneve, Edward Elgar, 2004. ix-xvi.(no link)

“Complexity, Pedagogy, and the Economics of Muddling Through” (with Buz Brock) in Massimo Salzano and Alan Kirman (editors) Economics: Complex Windows, Springer. 2004.

“Caveat Lector: Living With the 15% Rule,” Austrasian Journal of Economic Education, March, 2004. 30-40.

“Little Think’ Economics: Is that All there Is?” Eastern Economic Journal, Spring 2004.

“On the Treatment of Fixed and Sunk Costs in Principles Texts” Journal of Economic Education, Fall, 2004. 360-364.

“Pragmatism, Liberalism and Economic Policy” in Race, Liberalism, and Economics University of Michigan Press, 2004.

“Economics as an Ideologically Challenged Science” Revue de Philosophie Economique, 2004/1.

“Post Walrasian Macroeconomics and Heterodoxy: Thinking outside the Heterodox Box” in the International Journal of Political Economy, Summer 2003, Vol 33, 2. (also in Applied Policy Analysis, Mark Setterfield, ed. Sharpe Publishing. 2005)

“Post Walrasian Macro Policy and the Economics of Muddling Through” International Journal of Political Economy, Summer 2003, Vol 33, 2. (also reprinted in Applied Policy Analysis, Mark Setterfield, ed. Sharpe Publishing 2005)

“Functional Finance, New Classical Economics, and Great Great Grandsons” in Edward Nell and Mat Forstater (editors) Reinventing Functional Finance Edward Elgar, 2003.

“Are Institutionalists an Endangered Species?” Journal of Economic Issues, March 2003.

“The Aging of an Economist” Journal of the History of Economic Thought, June 2003.

“Integrating Sex and Drugs into the Principles Course” Journal of Economic Education, 2003.

“Macroeconomic Policy and Collective Action” (with Ken Koford and Jeff Miller) Collective Choice: Essays in Honor of Mancur Olson, Springer-Verlag, Berlin, 2003.

“Complexity and the Principles Course” Kentucky Journal of Economics, 2002.(no link)

“George Brockway: A Remembrance” Journal of Post Keynesian Economics 2001.

“Foreword to John and Wendy Cornwall’s Capitalist Development in the 20th Century” Cambridge University Press 2001.

“A Conversation with Paul Davidson” Eastern Economic Journal, 2001.

“Effective Demand and Effective Supply” Journal of Post Keynesian Economics, 2001.

“Complexity and Policy” (with William Brock) in The Complexity Vision and the Economy edited by David Colander, Edward Elgar, 2000. (no link)

“Post Walrasian Macro and IS/LM Analysis” in Warren Young (editor), IS/LM Analysis and Modern Macroeconomics Routledge Publishers, 2000.

“The Death of Neoclassical Economics” Journal of the History of Economic Thought, June 2000.

“Telling Better Stories in Introductory Macro” American Economic Review, May 2000.

“Vickrey, Macro Policy, and Chock-full Employment” in Commitment to Full Employment: The Economics and Social Policy of William S. Vickrey, edited by Warner, A., Forstater, M. and Rosen, S., M.E. Sharpe, 2000.(no link)

“New Millennium Economics: How Did it Get This Way, and What Way is It?” Journal of Economic Perspectives, vol. 14 no. 1, Winter 2000. (Reprinted in The Sources: History of Economic Thought, State University, Moscow.)

“A Post Walrasian Explanation of Wage and Price Inflexibility and a Keynesian Unemployment Equilibrium System” in Mark Setterfield, ed., Essays in Honour of John Cornwall: Macmillan, 1999.     (no link)

“Teaching Keynes in the 21st Century” Journal of Economic Education, vol. 30 no. 4, Fall 1999.

“Conversations with James Tobin and Robert Shiller on the ‘Yale Tradition’” Macroeconomic Dynamics vol. 3 no. 1, 1999. (reprinted in Inside Economist’s Mind: Conversations with Eminent Economists, Blackwell Publishers, edited by Paul Samuelson and William Barnett, 2007).

“Was Vickrey Ten Years Ahead of the Profession in Macro?” Challenge, Sept.-Oct. p. 72-86, 1998.

“William Vickrey’s Legacy: Innovative Policies for Social Concern” (with Richard Holt, David Kennett, and Barkley Rosser): Eastern Economic Journal, Winter 1998.

“The Sounds of Silence: The Profession’s Response to the COGEE Report” Journal of Agricultural Economics, 1998.

“Acceptable and Unacceptable Dirty Pedagogy: The Case of AS/AD” (with Peter Sephton), in Rao (ed.), The Debate about AS/AD, Routledge Publishers 1998.

“God, Man, and Lorie Tarshis at Yale” (with Harry Landreth), in Omar Hamuda (ed.) Keynesianism and the Keynesian Revolution in America, Edward Elgar, 1998.

 “The Tenacious Dissent of Milton Friedman” in Economics and its Discontents: Twentieth Century Dissenting Economists (Steven Pressman and Richard P.F. Holt, eds.): Edward Elgar, 1998.

“Beyond New Keynesian Economics: Post Walrasian Economics” in New Keynesian Economics: Post Keynesian Alternatives (Roy Rotheim, ed.): Edward Elgar, 1998.(no link)

“Confessions of an Economic Gadfly” in Passion and Craft: Economists at Work (Michael Szensberg, ed.): Routledge Press, 1998.

“Truth in Labeling, AS/AD Analysis, and Pedagogy” Eastern Economic Journal, Fall 1997.

“Teaching Tools:  Simple Principal-Agent Experiment for the Classroom” (with Andreas Ortmann) Economic Inquiry, April vol. XXXV no. 2, 1997.

“Institutional Demand-side Discrimination against Women and the Human Capital Model” (with Jody Woos), Feminist Economics 3 (1) 1997.

“New Institutionalism, Old Institutionalism, and Distribution Theory” Journal of Economic Issues, June, 1996.

“Response to Kennedy on AS/AD” Journal of Economic Perspectives Summer, 1996.(no link)

“AS/AD, AE/AP, IS/LM and Z” Keynes, Money and the Open Economy, Phillip Arestis, (ed.): Edward Elgar 1996.

“Comments on the Economics of Science” Knowledge and Policy, Summer/Fall, v. 9, n. 2/3, pp. 70-72, 1996.(no link)

“Surviving as a Slightly Out of Sync Economist” in A Guide to How to Do Economics (Steven Medema and Warren Samuels, eds.): Edward Elgar, 1996.(no link)

“Marshallian General Equilibrium” Eastern Economic Journal, 1995.

“Rejection as an Honor” in Rejected: Leading Economists Ponder the Publication Process, George Shepherd (ed.): Horton, 1995.

“Is Milton Friedman an Artist or Scientist?” Journal of Economic Methodology, 1995.(no link)

“The Stories We Tell: A Reconsideration of AS/AD Analysis” Journal of Economic Perspectives, 1995.

“What Exchange Rate for the Lev?” Russian and East European Finance and Trade, Nov-Dec., vol. 30 no. 6, 1994.

“The Macrofoundations of Microeconomics” Eastern Economic Journal, 1994..

“Vision, Judgment, and Disagreement among Economists” Journal of Economic Methodology, 1994..

“Economists, Institutions and Change” in Advances in Austrian Economics: JAI Press, 1994.

“The Art of Economics by the Numbers” in Recent Developments in Methodology, Roger Backhouse ed., 1994.

“Forward to John Cornwall’s Theory of Economic Breakdown” Sharpe Publishing, 1993.

“Response to Comments on the Lost Art of Economics” Journal of Economic Perspectives, 1993.

“Applications of Market Anti-Inflation Plans in the Transition to a Market Economy” (with Kenneth Koford and Jeffrey Miller), Eastern Economic Journal, Summer 1993.

“New Keynesian Economics in Perspective” Eastern Economic Journal, Fall, 1992.

“A Real Theory of Inflation and Incentive Anti-inflation Plans” American Economic Review, May, 1992.

“The Lost Art of Economics” Journal of Economic Perspectives, Summer, 1992.

“Lessons for Bulgaria from Western Banking Experience” Bulgarian Banking Review, Summer, 1992.   (no link)

“Reform of Graduate Economics Education” in Educating Economists, David Colander and Reuven Brenner, eds., Ann Arbor, University of Michigan Press, 1992.(no link)

“The Microeconomic Myth” in Educating Economists, David Colander and Reuven Brenner, eds, Ann Arbor, University of Michigan Press, 1992.(no link)

“Truth in Teaching Macro” in Educating Economists, David Colander and Reuven Brenner, eds, Ann Arbor, University of Michigan Press, 1992.(no link)

“A Consideration of the Economics Major in American Higher Education” Journal of Economic Education, Summer, 1991.

“Form and Content in Appraising Recent Economic Developments” Methodus, June, 1991..

“Research on the Economics Profession” Journal of Economic Perspectives, Fall 1989.

“The Invisible Hand of Truth” in The Spread of Economic Ideas, David Colander and A.W. Coats, eds.: New York: Cambridge University Press, 1989.

“Money and the Spread of Economic Ideas” in The Spread of Economic Ideas, David Colander and A.W. Coats, eds., New York: Cambridge University Press, 1989.

“Economic Methodology, Macroeconomics, and Externalities” (Keynote address of 1988) Pennsylvania Economic Society, in Proceedings of Pennsylvania Economic Society, 1988.(no link)

“The Evolution of Keynesian Economics” in Omar Hamouda and John Smithin, Keynes and Public Policy after 50 Years: Edward Elgar, 1988.(no link)

“The Making of an Economist” (with Arjo Klamer) Journal of Economic Perspectives, Fall 1987.

“Why Economists Aren’t as Important as Garbagemen” Journal of Economic and Monetary Affairs, July, 1987.(no link)

“Coopolization and Incomes Policies” Eastern Economic Journal, Spring 1986.

“Comment on Policies to Reduce the Natural Rate” in James Butkiewicz, et al., Keynes’ Economic Legacy: Praeger, 1986.(no link)

“On the Theory of Incentive Anti-Inflation Plans” in David Colander, ed., Incentive Based Incomes Policies: TIP and MAP: Ballinger, 1986.

“In Defense of Incentive Anti-Inflation Plans” in David Colander, ed., Incentive Based Incomes Policies: TIP and MAP: Ballinger, 1986.

“Some Simple Geometry on the Welfare Loss from Competitive Monopolies” Public Choice, 1985.

“Why an Incomes Policy Makes an Economy More Efficient” in S. Maital, ed., Macroeconomic Conflict and Social Institutions: Ballinger, 1985.

“Externalities and Macroeconomics” (with Kenneth Koford) in S. Maital, ed., Macroeconomic Conflict and Social Institutions: Ballinger, 1985. (no link)

“Galbraith and the Theory of Price Control” Journal of Post Keynesian Economics, Fall, 1984.

“Was Keynes a Keynesian or a Lernerian?” Journal of Economic Literature, December, 1984.

“Taming the Rent-Seeker” (with Kenneth Koford) in David Colander, ed., Neoclassical Political Economy: Ballinger, 1984.

“Coalitions and Macroeconomics” (with Mancur Olson) in David Colander, ed.

“Anti-Inflation Incentives: A Review Article” (with Kenneth Koford), Economic Perspectives: Harvard Academic Publishers, 1984.

“A Tribute to Abba Lerner” Economic Inquiry, 1983.

“Guiding the Invisible Hand” (with Abba Lerner) Journal of Transport Economics, April-August, 1983.

“Towards a Real Theory of Inflation” in E. Marcus, ed., Inflation Through the Ages: Brooklyn College Press, 1983.

“Stagflation and Competition” Journal of Post Keynesian Economics, 1982.’

“Anti-Inflation Incentives” (with Abba Lerner) Kyklos, 1982.

“Can an Incomes Policy Be Independent of an Investment Policy?” Economic Forum, Winter 1981.

“New Approaches in Anti-Inflation Policy” Public Finance, 1981.

“A Guaranteed Jobs Proposal” in David Colander, ed., Solutions to Unemployment: Harcourt Brace Jovanovich, 1981.

“Great Expectations: What the Dickens Do Rational Expectations Mean?” (with R. Guthrie) Journal of Post Keynesian Economics, 1981.

“Post Keynesian Economics, Abba Lerner and His Critics” Social Research, Spring 1980.

“Tax and Market Based Incomes Policies; The Interface Between Theory and Practice” in Michael Claudon and Richard Cornwall, eds., Incomes Policies for the United States: New Approaches: Martinus Nijhoff, 1980.

“There Is a Cure for Inflation” (with Abba Lerner), in Michael Claudon and Richard Cornwall, eds., Incomes Policies for the United States: New Approaches: Martinus Nijhoff, 1980.

“Rationality, Expectations and Functional Finance” in J. Gapinski and C. Rockwood, eds., Essays in Post Keynesian Inflation: Ballinger, 1979.

“Note on Efficient Income Taxation” The American Economist, Spring, 1979.

“A Comment on the Elasticity of Demand for Water” (with J. Haltiwanger): Water Resources, October, 1979.

“MAP: A Cure for Inflation” (with Abba Lerner), in David Colander, ed., Solutions to Inflation: Harcourt Brace Jovanovich, 1979.

“Realytic and Analytic Syntheses of Macro and Micro Economics” (with Kenneth Koford): Journal of Economic Issues, September, 1979.(no link)

“Incomes Policies: Tip, Wipp and Mip” Journal of Post Keynesian Economics, Spring, 1979.

“A Value Added Tip” in David Colander, ed., Solutions to Inflation: Harcourt Brace Jovanovich, 1979.  (no link)

On Cost and Benefit Related Fees” National Tax Journal, December, 1978.(no link)

“On Price Flexibility” (with Gary Gigilatti), Journal of Economics, 1978.(no link)

“Inflation and Inequality: Comment” Journal of Economic Issues, June, 1977.(no link)

“Flexible Tax Payment Systems” Proceedings of the New York State Economic Association, 1977.  (no link)

“Effective Supply” Proceedings of the New York State Economic Association, 1976.(no link)

Economics with Attitude (Regular Article in The Eastern Economic Journal 2013).(no link)

“On the Irrelevance of General Equilibrium Proofs” Eastern Economic Journal, forthcoming.

“Economists Should Stop Doing it with Models” Eastern Economic Journal,

“How to Market the Market: The Trouble with Profit Maximization” Eastern Economic Journal, March, 2017.

“Reforming the Affordable Health Care Act” Eastern Economic Journal, January, 2017.

“A Minimum Guaranteed Jobs Proposal” Eastern Economic Journal, September, 2016.

“The Economics Major if Not a Pipeline to Finance” Eastern Economic Journal, June, 2016.

“Tools, Not Rules: Are We Teaching the Wrong Principles of Economics in the Introductory Course” Eastern Economic Journal, March, 2016.

“Liberal Arts Macro Economists are Becoming an Endangered Species” Eastern Economic Journal, January, 2016.

“Economic Theory Has Nothing to Say about Policy (and Principles Textbooks Should Tell Students that)” September, Eastern Economic Journal, 2015.

“An Economist with Attitude on Steroids: Remembering Gordon Tullock” Eastern Economic Journal, June, 2015.

“Intellectual Incest on the Charles: Why Economists are a little bit Off” Eastern Economic Journal, March, 2015.

“Marketing Economic Ideas: The Problem with Capital” Eastern Economic Journal, January, 2015.

“Gross Output: A New Revolutionary Way to Confuse Students about Measuring the Economy” Eastern Economic Journal, September, 2014.

“Economists Do a Lousy Job of Teaching Inflation” Eastern Economic Journal, June, 2014.

“Some Government Skin in the Game: How to Encourage New Technology” Eastern Economic Journal, March, 2014.

“Should Calculus be a Requirement for Intermediate Macro?” Eastern Economic Journal, January, 2014.(no link)

“The Fed’s Research Mission and Measure of Success” Eastern Economic Journal, September, 2013

Congressional Testimony

House Science and Technology Committee: “How Economists Failed Society” July 20, 2010. (republished in Institutional Risk Analyst)..

House Science and Technology Committee: “The Risks of Financial Modeling: VaR and the Economic Meltdown.” September 10, 2009. (translated into Chinese and published in Journal of Comparative Studies, Volume 54).

Magazine, Encyclopedia, and Newspaper Articles

“Asset Price Inflation Encyclopedia of Central Banking, edited by Louis-Philippe Rochon, Edward Elgar, 2015.

“Innovation in teaching undergraduate economics: An introduction” New Zealand Economic Papers (with Michael Cameron and Mary Hedges) 2013.

Wanted: Passion and Humility” Associate! Magazine (extracted from “What Makes a Good Economist” March, 2012.(no link)

“Introduction to Understanding Fiscal Responsibility” Understanding Fiscal Responsibility by Anand Marri 2010.(no link)

“Economics, the “Just Right” Major”, The Chronicle of Higher Education, 2009.

“Functional Finance” The New Palgrave (2nd edition) 2008.(no link)

“Economics Security for the Elderly: the Role of Economics in Social Policy” (with Bing Chen) The Encyclopedia of Gerontology, ed. James Birren, Academic Press, 2006.(no link)

“The Law of Returns” The Social Science Encyclopedia, Routledge, 2004.

“James Tobin” Encyclopedia of Macroeconomics: edited by Brian Snowdon and Howard Vane, Edward Elgar, 2002.

“Economists Can’t Fix Global Economy” USA Today, October, 1998.(no link)

“Abba Lerner” Encyclopedia of Business Cycles, Panics, Crises, and Depressions: Garland Publishing Co., 1998.

“Functional Finance” Encyclopedia of Business Cycles, Panics, Crises, and Depressions: Garland Publishing Co., 1998.

“IS/LM” Encyclopedia of Keynesian Economics. Edward Elgar, 1997.

“Post Walrasian Macroeconomics” Encyclopedia of Keynesian Economics: Edward Elgar, 1997.

 “Functional Finance.” Encyclopedia of Keynesian Economics: Edward Elgar, 1997.

“Abba Lerner” Encyclopedia of Keynesian Economics: Edward Elgar, 1997.

“Stute a Long Run Balanced Budget Rule” (with Dewey Daane): Challenge 1993. Some Advice to President Clinton

“Economics” Encyclopedia of Higher Education: Pergamon Press, 1993.(no link)

“How Not To Educate Economists” Chronicle of Higher Education, November, 1991.(no link)

“A Realistic Way to Transform Social Security Fund Financing” Boston Globe, March, 1990.(no link)

“Moving Average Budgeting” Boston Globe, April, 1990.(no link)

“Don’t Ask an Economist” Middlebury College Magazine, Fall 1987.(no link)

“The Price of Gold” The Boston Globe, July, 1987.(no link)

“Tax Simplicity: Design vs. Use” New York Times, August, 1986.

“The Illusion in the Tax Bill” New York Times, August, 1986.

“Indexed Grading” The Miami Herald, November, 1983.(no link)

“That Tyrant Inflation” The Boston Globe, April, 1983.(no link)

“Strike But Play Ball” UPI Op-Ed article, October, 1982.(no link)

“The Flexible Tax Payment System” Review of Business, Spring 1981.(no link)

“Trickle Up vs. Trickle Down” The Miami Herald, 1981.(no link)

“Recent Developments in Inflation Theory and Policy” Review of Business, 1981.(no link)

“The Law of Triviality” The Collegiate Forum, Spring, 1980.(no link)

“The Free Market Solution to Inflation” The Collegiate Forum, Fall 1978.(no link)


Published Interviews: Interviewed by Brian Snowdon and Howard Vane, Conversations with Leading Economists: Interpreting Modern Macroeconomics, Edward Elgar, 1999.

Graduation Address: Jamestown High School Graduation, 2004: “Some Free Advice”.(no link)

Economist’s Calendar: 2010-2011 (edited calendar with John Siegfried for American Economic Association).