About Me


I am both a teacher and a traveler at heart.  These passions have led me to the Monterey Institute of International Studies where I am currently pursuing a Master of Arts in International Education Management.

Before moving to Monterey I lived in San Diego and ran my own tutoring business.  I tutored math full time for ten years and truly loved it.  My favorite aspects were getting to know my students and their families, watching their self confidence increase as their grades improved, and seeing them begin to                                                                really like math and have fun solving problems.

During my time in San Diego I volunteered in an orphanage in Tijuana, Mexico.  Before the children were enrolled in school, I taught English and tutored math on a weekly basis.  I spent many years bringing donations, playing, cleaning, cooking, and having fun with the children.  This has been a very special experience for me.  It has shaped my love for other cultures and all things international, and has been a great learning experience.

I believe in international education and feel that it is a great way for students to learn and to open their minds.  I would like to help students from the United States and from abroad to have these amazing experiences.