Weekly Volunteer Opportunities

Monkton World Language Program Information Session
Thursday, Sept. 27 6:30 p.m. Twilight 201
The Monkton Central School World Language Program has been in existence for about 10 years with great success. It introduces children from kindergarten through sixth grade to a different language and culture, an experience which, hopefully, will be continued during middle and high school. Middlebury College students teach various languages six times during the semester, on either Tuesday or Thursday. To learn more attend the information session or contact Jennifer Stanley, jstanley@wildblue.net.

Apply for the Oct. Break Middlebury Alternative Break Trip to Merck Forest and Farmland Center
Application deadline: Friday, Sept. 28th
Visit here for more information and an application.
Join us for the fifth annual October MAlt break trip to breathtakingly beautiful Merck Forest & Farmland Center in southern Vermont at the height of the foliage season led by Tshering Yudon ‘13 and Teddy Pendergast ‘13. Merck Forest’s mission is to teach and demonstrate the benefits of innovative, sustainable management of forest and farmland. Our work will likely include trail maintenance in the forest and helping with the harvest. We will be camping (sleeping in a cabin) and cooking together as a group in fall temperatures ranging from 40-60 degrees during the day and 30-50 degrees at night. It’s about a two-mile hike into the site. We’ll depart Saturday ~12pm, Oct. 13, (leaving after the Dalai Lama talk is over) and return late afternoon on Monday, Oct. 15. Camping gear can be provided!

Did you ever wonder what all the fuss is about at Whirlie’s World?
Then let a local eight-year old girl show you! Community Friends, a campus-based mentoring program that matches Middlebury College students with children of Addison County ages six to twelve, is seeking a “big sister to do fun things with” for this child. Take a walk, read books together, make a bead necklace, play mini-golf at Whirlie’s World! The possibilities are endless. You could be an important part of this young girl’s life by simply meeting up and being yourself on a regular basis! Flexible meeting times, no car required, and alternate ways of transportation are available. For more information about the program, or to apply to be this or another child’s mentor, please visit our website (go/cf), get in contact with a student coordinator or contact Nestor Martinez ’10 (nmartinez@middlebury.edu).

Spanish-speaking volunteers needed to work with preschool students!
Head Start is seeking Spanish-speaking volunteers to work with two Spanish-speaking three-year-olds who don’t speak any English. Volunteers are needed Tues, Wed, and Thurs mornings between 8:00 – 11:30 a.m. (flexible schedule based on volunteer availability). Interested students should contact either Michael Katz (802-462-2899) or Head Start teachers Helen or Lisa (802-382-1478).

Want to volunteer at grandma’s house?

Join us at Living Well, a residential care home in Bristol, where we celebrate the wisdom and achievements of our elders every day! Flexible volunteer opportunities available. Interested? Contact Sudeshna Trivedi, Volunteer Development Coordinator, sudeshna@livingwellvt.org

Native speakers of Amharic: Volunteer Opportunity
A local family with an adopted child from Ethiopia is seeking a native Amharic speaker to volunteer with their child. Interested? Contact Ashley Calkins, jcalkins@middlebury.edu.

Womensafe Volunteer Training Announcement
WomenSafe in Middlebury works toward the elimination of physical, sexual and emotional violence against women and their children through direct service, education and social change. Apply to become a volunteer and sign-up for required volunteer training here. Volunteer opportunities include working on the hotline, helping with education and awareness, and providing special events assistance. [Note: Required training for fall volunteers starts on September 27th! Take action and fill out your application today]

Questions? If you have questions about any of these volunteer opportunities or want to learn more ways to get involved in the local community, contact Ashley Calkins, Community Engagement Coordinator, jcalkins@middlebury.edu, 802.443.3099

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