Tag Archives: schedules

Updating the student calendar in Outlook

If you are the supervisor and there is Davis student schedule activity, please update the student calendar to reflect the changes.
NOTE: The calendar is in the Public Folders, LIS -> Circulation Services -> Davis Family Library…
1. Delete the existing appointment (one appointment only, not the recurring series)
2. Create a new appointment (i.e. ??? for Todd, Dan for Kim, etc.) in the same time block. If it is as yet unfilled, categorize RED. If filled, categorize GREEN.
3. Please copy Kim on any correspondence regarding the student schedule for Davis.

How to ask for a sub for your shift

Student Staff Substitute Procedure
Send an original email to the appropriate student assistant distribution list
(A huge favor – please do not “reply all” to someone else’s request for a sub to ask for a sub for your shift – this gets very confusing when tracking changes to shifts)
o Main Library: LIS – Main Lib Circ Student Assistants distribution list
o Music Library: LIS – Music Library Student Assistants distribution list
o Armstrong Library: LIS – Armstrong Library Student Assistants distribution lis

Type your name, day, date & time (of the sub shift) in the subject field of the message (example – Elin needs a sub Thurs 9/24 2 – 4 pm)

Reply to all when signing up for a shift – so everyone knows it is now taken – you are now responsible for the shift

Check Outlook to confirm that the shift change has been recorded correctly on the master Outlook calendar

Important! If all efforts to find a sub fail, speak directly with a supervisor to alert them to the problem – as far in advance as possible

Many, many thanks! We rely very heavily on your support in providing front desk services to the College community – and it is critical to our operations that you (or your sub) are there as scheduled. 🙂

Main Circ Task List Review 7/27

Lots of great ideas – thanks!
Morgan will post meeting notes soon. Stay tuned for another meeting invite – but let’s keep the conversation going on the blog.

Here is a summary of some proposed changes.
Checklist updates to follow.
Eliminate date due slips (including thesis slips and the sweep of reserved carrels)
Automate morning paging slip notices
Switch some daily/morning tasks to evening
Switch some daily tasks to weekly
Shift some ILL/NExpress incoming and outgoing cart workflow to ILL staff
Eliminate or reduce paging of local Midd requests (students, staff, faculty on campus retrieve their own open stack materials – a much appreciated service but one we may not be able to provide with current staffing reductions)
Eliminate physical new books display; shift new books “presence” to web; streamline processing for carts from CM and P&P; investigate automated status changes
Opening priority: computers, paging slips, equipment bookings, film screening media

Daily tasks to review next…
Hold shelf/pick-up
Returns processing/hold areas/carts
Equipment – bookings and follow-up; overdues, check-in, re-imaging
Courier bins etc.
Student employee management – hiring, training, scheduling etc.
Info desk support – reserve rooms; guest pw, quick ref, ref referrals. misc facility issues, troubleshooting copy/print, Public Safety
Collections – shelf reading, shelving browsing collections
Circ supplies, forms etc.
Other checklists and routine tasks – weekly, monthly, annually etc.
Cash/credit processing
Schedule opening shifts and Main Circ coverage for fall semester
Review Arm and Mus checklists – what can be adjusted to alleviate the load at Main?

Summer Schedules

Summer means even more schedule changes as we add the Davison Desk to our busy schedules.
Please pay careful attention to schedules on Outlook.
The Davison Desk schedule is a separate Outlook schedule (not integrated with the Circ Outlook schedule) so it is critical that you view the Davison Desk schedule in addition to your personal and Circ Outlook schedules when evaluating coverage and staffing gaps.
Circ staff who are scheduled at Davison MUST ensure that their regular responsibilities are covered in their absence. It is the responsibility of each staff member to know their schedule and to arrange for coverage as needed. As always – many eyes help avoid schedule problems – so please alert each other to any errors and schedule gaps.
Helpful tip #1 – add the Davison schedule to your favorites so that you can easily display your personal, Circ and Davison schedules side by side for viewing.
Helpful tip #2 – copy your schedule “appointments” from shared schedules to your personal schedule

Let me know if you have any questions about scheduling in general.
For questions specific to the Davison schedule, contact Dan and Kellam.