Circ Desk Work Tips

With final exam week on the horizon, it is appropriate to review a couple basic work tips when working behind the desk. This list is meant merely as a “brush-up” since we will be getting  busy in the coming weeks.  Please keep in mind that MOST of you have already mastered these tips exceptionally well. We have seniors who will soon enter the professional world, with others following on their heels, so putting aside the library-specific points, these mini-lessons will apply after you graduate. Let’s continue to have fun while we work together, particularly while we head into the 24/7 work mode!  Below are four simple rules to keep in mind.
1- Please maintain a professional and courteous manner.  Remember to greet your morning, afternoon or evening supervisor when you arrive. This basic etiquette rule also applies at the end of your shift; you might say “good-bye” for instance, or “farewell,”  “later gator,”  “adios,” or any number of choice departing phrases…your call!  It is considerate and a good habit to let your supervisor know when you begin and end your work period.
2- When visiting with friends, please remember your voice levels. We are in a library after all, though sometimes it is easy to forget that, especially when your friends come around re-hashing the weekend.
3- If you are sick or you have another commitment which conflicts with your shift, sending out your email request and  assuming it is all set doesn’t cut it. You have to (a) find your replacement, then (b) follow through to be certain your sub shows up (via email, cell, text or some other way) (c) if you can’t find someone, talk to a supervisor). 
4- Assist in basic tasks as a general habit. If you see a book cart or reserve book cart is filled, and you have a spare minute when the desk is quiet, please unload the cart or bring  it to the shelving area to re-shelve it. The same goes for accumulated empty DVD cases on the shelf. Please use a little initiative by walking them over to Browsing. This helps the work flow at the Circ Desk significantly!

These are meant to be positive reminders, as we supervisors thank you for the performance in your work which you do very well. I think you know that too, but I wanted to remind you of that important point.

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