VCAL – Vermont Consortium of Academic Libraries – Reciprocal Borrowing

VCAL – Vermont Consortium of Academic Libraries – Reciprocal Borrowing

The VCAL cards and expiration stickers are here! They can be found in the guest card drawer at Main Circ. Let me know if you have any questions.
Please check links below for details and authorization form for faculty reciprocal borrowing.
VCAL Circulation Policies and Authorization Form

Circ staff:
VCAL cards are processed at Main
Faculty status is determined by home institution
Midd faculty in good standing are eligible for borrowing at participating institutions
Fill out web form and print out, sign and date form – this will authorize borrowing at participating institutions
Attach expiration sticker to back of card (under vcal web address) and give VCAL card and signed authorization form to faculty
Please adjust expiration date for faculty departing Midd prior to May 30 of each academic year

General Guidelines – individual institutions may establish their own specific loan periods and borrowing guidelines
Home library assumes responsibility for replacement of any lost materials
There is no reciprocal student and staff borrowing agreement; we recommend that students and staff utilize ILL at their home institution
Faculty at Vermont Consortium of Academic Libraries (VCAL) member institutions are eligible to receive borrowing privileges at participating institutions
Faculty complete a form (link to form listed above and on VCAL site) at the home institution
All candidates for reciprocal borrowing privileges present a valid institutional ID from their home library, a VCAL card with a valid expiration sticker and a completed ‘Vermont Consortium of Academic Libraries, Faculty Reciprocal Borrowing Authorization form issued by their home library
The VCAL form shall have an authorized signature from the home library
Borrowing cards are issued during the day, on weekdays at the Main Circ Desk
Reciprocal borrowing is limited to a maximum of 10 books from the general circulating collections
Borrowing guidelines are determined by the lending institution – Midd guest borrowing policies and loan rules apply
Materials are subject to recall by the lending institution
The home library of the borrower shall be ultimately held responsible for the payment of lost or unreturned item fees, as determined by the lending library
The expectation is that borrowers will return materials to the lending library; libraries will return materials via interlibrary loan as needed
Stats will be gathered annually: number of cards activated; number of items borrowed; number of external users
Home institution will be recorded in the note field of the borrower account

Refer unresolved questions for reciprocal faculty borrowing to Manager

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