Circ Meeting 3/30/09 – Notes

Circ Meeting Notes 3/30 3 pm Lib 145
Present: Michael Warner, Rachel, Morgan, Nancy, Todd, Dan, Joanne, Elin

Collection Management updates – Michael W
(thank you for coming, Michael – we have missed you!)
Sue D is covering rental films and film series in Patty H’s absence (also – please check FMP film screening info carefully in PH’s absence)
DVD re-class project is on hold temporarily
Midd at Mills updates:
All of Arabic program, small parts of Italian, Spanish and French programs will be at Mills College in California for the LS summer programs
Italian school will be reviewed at end of April due to low enrollment
2nd copy of Arabic language titles being sent; other materials being purchased and processed at Midd for LS at Mills
Materials will be kept at Mills as long as the LS programs are housed there
CM is processing new orders for direct shipping to Mills; most likely materials will not pass through Circ area
Mills is Dewey Decimal, but is an Innovative site
Location code is omills – materials will be masked in catalog
Borrower data base will be loaded at both locations
DVD’s will be housed in secure cases
Many details still to be resolved – End of term billing; NExpress, shipping, borrower databases, requesting, ILL, notices etc.
Japanese re-class project is moving ahead; requested that CM try to avoid bottleneck of Japanese Coll carts at end of term/peak re-shelving periods
Faculty Author collection parameters will be re-visited to ensure a vibrant and relevant collection and to ensure access to faculty authored materials in general stacks

Article requesting tutorial – Rachel presented on “A day in the life of an ILL journal request and a non-returnable (Article-Reach) NExpress request” – thanks, Rachel!
Access through databases; indexes by title and subject, MLA and others depending on topic will facilitate auto-fill of requests – and minimize fill errors for ILL staff
NExpress is preferred mode of delivery – articles are sent directly to lender
ILLiad requests are staff mediated at lending and borrowing stages
Illiad requests are sent to the ILLIad account
NExpress requests are sent to the My Midcat account
Both give link to a PDF
It is recommended that users save the PDF in personal storage space
ILL requests are stored locally for 45 days (on woodchuck)
ILLiad tip – check ILLiad notifications for last 20 email notifications if patron can’t find the message with the link to a request

Equipment Updates – Kellam
New FS macs (FS Dells still pending)
Users need to log-on while on campus to ensure security of personal data (even if in a rush)
What can we do to improve this process for the user?
Item messages, labeling, warning signs, user agreements etc. are in progress to facilitate communication of this change to users
When booking equipment – educate user; especially if someone else will be picking up
New FS macs and FW drives all have personal data removed at check-in; please alert borrower at check-out
In general, use the time of the booking to educate and to ask user about their preferences, experience, comfort level, need for support, batteries, charging, etc.; note relevant details in booking note
Dan and Kellam are working to increase equipment offerings at Music
Kellam is working to resolve expired registration issues


We will re-schedule Jim/Helpdesk for another meeting to discuss circ loaner policies, firewire drives – expectations for use, storage issues, PC/Mac re-formatting issues

Borrower blocks – guidelines have been posted on the wiki; please review and follow procedures to facilitate return of overdue materials

Set limits on retrieval requests? Not at this time

Equitrac cards – confirmed that we do not issue refunds

Enhancements Schedule (details by email)
3/30 – ballots published on IUG
5/1 – voting ends at 5 pm
Dan will organize voting at our next 2 Circ meetings – 4/27 and 4/30

Issues with off-line circ when system down last Thurs? (A few groans…) Not especially smooth; lots of error messages; found NExpress to be easier to search than World cat during down time

Laptops locks – 4 at main; 1 at Arm

Exam hours – 24/7 at Main

Rachel, Morgan, Dan, Todd and Elin going to a NExpress conference on 4/13. Please pass on ideas for agenda topics for returnables and non-returnables discussion meetings

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