Monthly Archives: October 2008

Armstrong Emergency Procedures

Yesterday afternoon, the fire alarms in BiHall sounded and everyone in the building evacuated. I was here with two student workers. (Nancy and Todd, who know everything about everything, were at a meeting at the Main Library–lucky for them!) My knowledge of emergency procedures was a little rusty, so I figured everyone could use a reminder on this very important topic.
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Reserves and Media Collection Shelf Reading!

A new clipboard (how exciting!) has been created at Main with a breakdown of assignments for shelf-reading the book reserves, media reserves, and media collection. It’s being kept where all the other clipboards are kept (how enterprising!)

Supervisors are welcome to start assigning section to students on shift. You can go in order or hop around to especially troubled sections. Have the students add the date and their initials when they’ve finished a section. Any questions, just ask. Thanks, everyone!