周五最后一场中文学校派对 The Chinese School’s Final Party




Students & Teachers enduring the final stretch of the Chinese school, tell me you aren’t eagerly awaiting the party on Friday to restore your sense of vitality? Let me add more good news: after the intensely moving singing performances during China Night, We have decided to host a KTV (Karaoke) Contest to bring all the singers to the stage once again. If you would like to join, please sign up with your name and the song you will be performing below!

“Middlebury’s Got Talent”:Friday night 9:00 – 10:00, upon conclusion the Chinese school will host a dancing party like previous.

Sign-up: https://goo.gl/GRKfEr


搞音乐的明德学生帮你找好的中文音乐!Music Recommendations from a Middlebury Student




兵马司 (Maybe Mars, 北京独立唱片公司)用中文的乐队:  AV Okubo, Hiperson, The Fuzz, Gar, P.K. 14, Dear Eloise
Carsick Cars
台湾的MC HotDog

夜叉乐队 (重金属与西藏神秘主义融合而成的音乐 (heavy metal with Tibetan mysticism):

最后,康亦菲正在帮摩登天空 (Modern Sky)安排在Governors Island的音乐会 ( http://modernskyfestivalnyc.com/ )。如果感兴趣的话,请跟康亦菲说一声,她可以给你打折!

第六个星期中文周刊 NEWSLETTER, VOL.6


Hello everyone!  The sixth week of the newsletter is out; inside, the information for the lectures of the Chinese school are inside (Lian laoshi’s presentation & John Hopkins NAIS program), but don’t forget about the multifarious lectures hosted by Middlebury college as well.  To familiarize yourself with the happenings this week, click the link below!

Newsletter 6



第五个星期中文周刊 NEWSLETTER, VOL.5


Hello Everyone!  The fifth volume of the newsletter is out.  There are quite a few activities this week as well, including hiking, soccer with the German school, volleyball with the Russian school, and of course the movies!  Take a look at the newsletter below for more details:

Newsletter 5



最后一天明德机场快线服务 Airport Transportation On the Last Day



After Middlebury LS ends, if you are flying home but don’t have any way to get to the airport, Middlebury provides a bus service to the airport on Friday and Saturday!  The cost is $18 per person, purchase your ticket as soon as possible!

Information Below:

Plan your Campus Departure

Student can leave after the last class on Friday, August 19.  All students must vacate their dorms bySaturday, August 20 at 10:00 AM.
If you have to leave earlier than noon on Friday, please discuss your departure schedule with your teacher to make sure you complete final assignments and assessments. Early departures are granted with prior permission only.


Reserve Airport Transportation

Middlebury College is offering bus transportation from campus to Burlington International Airport on Friday, Aug. 19 and Saturday, Aug. 20. The cost is $18 per person. Several departure times from Adirondack Circle are available, but be sure to purchase your ticket early. Please call the box office with any questions at 802.443.3168 (8:30 am to 5 pm, M-F).


LINK TO Reserve a seat to the Departure shuttle to the airport:



Other transportation options are available online here:



骆驼峰山门罗小路 Camel’s Hump Monroe Trail

想要领略有挑战性爬山活动的户外爱好者,这个星期六八点我们去骆驼峰山门罗小路, 一条与青山洲很有名的佛蒙特“长道”(Long Trail)连在一起的步道。这次爬山活动比以前的难一些,因此收获也会更大;走3.5英里到海拔4000英尺的山顶之后,连加拿大的山都看得到,风景美丽惊人.

For those who want to get out on Saturday for a relatively difficult (and very enjoyable) hiking experience, this Saturday we are going to Camel’s Hump Monroe Trail, which connects to the 272 mile Long Trail, the oldest hiking trail in the U.S.  This hiking experience will be harder than previous, but upon ascending the 4000 foot peak, the sights are certainly worthwhile!

具体信息如下 Information:
总共距离: 6.8英里 (~11公里)


Sign-Up 报名单: goo.gl/SPcBrx


View from the top of Camel's Hump after hiking Monroe Trail.



明德体恤报名单 T-Shirt Ordering List

大家好,今年庆祝中文学校50周年纪念体恤做得非常好看; 如果老师们,学生们想给家人买一件,请点下面的链接并写上需要的信息!

Hello everyone, This year’s T-shirt commemorating the 50th anniversary of the Chinese school turned out great!  If any teachers or students would like to buy another for family members, please click the link below and fill out the details!

价格 Price:$13
领子样式 Collar Style:Scoop (女)  / Crew (男/女)


链接 Link: goo.gl/4JGd6Q