The First Days of the New Season

Well after spending the first week of the spring semester sick, I’m finally back to a full fledged training schedule.  The anticipation has been almost unbearable, and so is the cold!  I love running in the cold, I really do, but sometimes it’s just impossible to get out that door.  Friday was my first true day back and I pulled off back-to-back runs, a 6 miler and a 9 miler.  Then a 10 miler yesterday.  All three runs were on the TAM, and the trails are surprisingly in pretty decent shape.  Took a nice whipping turn too fast over in Wright Park on some seriously slippery ice and slid out pretty hard, but I was able to pull off a slick landing and bounce right out of my fall.  My legs are begging to burn through the twisties, but my lungs don’t want to suck air that hard in the cold.  And of course the ice cover wouldn’t let me do that anyway.  Who wants to do the whole TAM next weekend?

Run #1: 6-7 miles trail, mellow pace, sunny, no wind
Run #2: 9-10 miles trail, mellow pace, sunny, no wind

Run: 9-10 miles trail, mellow pace, partly sunny, slightly windy

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