Human Resources will be holding two open Benefits Refresher meetings covering topics such as: plan basics (deductibles, co-insurance, out-of-pocket maximums, co-pays), network coverage, mail-order prescription benefits, flexible spending accounts, Telehealth option, etc. Meetings will include ample time for questions from the audience. Please join us at one of the following sessions to learn how to make the most of your benefit plans:

Day Date Time Location Or Join Remotely via Zoom
Mon 11/6/17 9:00am to 10:00am EST Wilson Hall, McCullough Zoom Link 1
Wed 11/8/17 2:30pm to 3:30pm EST Wilson Hall, McCullough Zoom Link 2

 Cigna Conference Call Meetings
Employees may schedule a conference call with a Cigna Representative by visiting the link below and choosing a date and time. Please be sure to leave the best phone number where a Cigna Representative can reach you.


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