Please join us on Tuesday, October 28, 2014 in the CTLR (LIB 225), at 12:15 PM.

To many faculty, grading is a necessary burden that accompanies the more invigorating dimensions of teaching.  Grading’s secure place in the academy, however, often forestalls sustained discussion of its purpose and operation.  This Academic Roundtable, which will be facilitated by Don Wyatt of the History Department and Jane Chaplin of the Classics Department, will explore the following questions:  How does grading best promote student learning?  What are strategies for discussing grades with disgruntled or disappointed students? Can grades be used for both process and product in the same course?  Should we be concerned about grade inflation?  And is there an art to grading?

Lunch will be served.  Please RSVP to by Friday, Oct. 24, 2014.

The Academic Roundtable is co-sponsored by the Center for Teaching, Learning, & Research and the Library.

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