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Course information


This senior research seminar is intended to guide you through the various steps of writing your senior essay or thesis.  You will begin by choosing a topic and making a research plan.  Each week, we will meet to discuss research challenges and provide project updates.  We will use class time to conduct individual research tasks and schedule meetings for the Library. I will meet with you individually to discuss your work.  I am available during office hours or by appointment.

Early in the semester, we will read and discuss The Craft of Research, 3rd edition (Booth, Colomb, and Williams, 2008), which you can purchase at the College Store or acquire at the library.


In order to successfully complete this course, you must attend all scheduled class meetings and submit all required assignments. You must meet with your secondary essay reader or thesis advisor at least three times during the semester and report on those meetings to me. You will find it helpful to meet with Amy Frazier, LIS Liaison to the American Studies Program.

You will be required to maintain a log which will be on a shared google doc where you record the hours you spend on research and the work you accomplish.  Please update your log before each class meeting.

The final grade for the course is based on the grade you receive for your final essay or thesis. The senior essay is a one-semester project. For those completing a two-semester thesis, you will receive a “SAT” grade for the first semester (assuming you complete all required work).  This will be replaced with a letter grade after your thesis has been evaluated.

Any student who feels s/he may need an accommodation based on the impact of a disability should contact me to discuss your specific needs.  Please also contact Student Accessibility Services to coordinate reasonable accommodations in this course.


9/13 – Introduction.  We will go over the logistics of the syllabus and discuss deadlines and topic possibilities.  Start thinking about applying for a thesis carrel.  You might also start thinking about applying for funding to help with travel or other research costs.  Applications for the Senior Research Project Supplement must be submitted no later than October 1. Make an appointment with your other essay reader or thesis adviser and meet with them before the next Tuesday’s class.

9/15 –Meet in the Library 200. Librarian Amy Frazier will be orient you to research databases at the college. Come with your preliminary topic and we will have the librarian offer some practical advice for your topic. We will discuss the citation management tool Zotero.

9/20–Preliminary topic and list of three secondary and three primary sources due.  Please post this to your course webpage.  Be prepared to discuss The Craft of Research, Parts 1 and 2.

9/21–Prospectus (2-4 pages) and bibliography due by 11:59 p.m. Citations should follow the Chicago Manual of Style or MLA format.

9/22–Print out your prospectus for peer review. Be prepared to discuss Part 3 in The Craft of Research.

9/27 –Library Visit–Amy Frazier will focus on your specific topics and honing your sources and engaging with your sources.

9/29— Research Day–Set up appointment with outside reader and meet with reader prior to next meeting

10/4– Each student will present their research plan and discuss one primary and one secondary source. We will also discuss expectations for the detailed outline.

10/6– Detailed outline due

10/11 –Progress Reports and Peer Review

10/13 –Research Day

10/20– Please also bring two print copies of  your drafted essay/chapter introduction to class for discussion. Peer Review

10/25–Discuss Part 4 in The Craft of Research. Library Research

10/27 — Minimum of 10 page draft and full outline due to Professor Joo and your essay reader.   Please be prepared to present a 2-4 paragraph draft of your essay/chapter’s discussion of important scholarship on your topic.

11/1 — Library research and writing

11/3– Library research and writing

11/8– Complete another 6-8 pages of your essay/chapter draft; meet in small groups to discuss

11/10 — Library research and writing

11/15 — Library research and writing

11/17 — Thesis writers must submit a complete draft of their first chapter to Professor Joo and your thesis adviser.  Essay writers must submit a full draft copy of your essay to Professor Joo and your essay reader.

11/29 — In-class essay/thesis presentations; library research and writing

12/1 – In-class essay/thesis presentations; final edits

12/6  – Formatting and trouble-shooting workshop.  Link to the sample title page

12/8 — Last Meeting


ESSAY: Final copies due Friday, December 9, 2016 by 4:00 PM. You should make two hard copies.  One should go to Renee Brown in Axinn 243.  The other should be given to your reader.

THESIS I: Detailed outline and bibliography for second chapter due to Professor Joo and your thesis adviser Friday, December 9, 2016 by 4:00 PM.

THESIS II: Final copies due Friday, December 9, 2016 by 4:00 PM.  You should make three hard copies.  One should go to Renee Brown in Axinn 243.  The other two should be given to your readers.



*Original Website Design and Content by Holly Allen

Revised and Reformatted by Rachael Joo, September 2016

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